Thursday, 21 June 2018

Oracle DBA Tutorial

This tutorial gives you an overview and talks about the fundamentals of Oracle DBA.
This section highlights the concepts and a general overview of the players that deliver this proprietary database management system. These players fall into three main categories:
Shared memory a section of the host server’s memory through which all the data passes and the applications’ code is stored and executed
System support infrastructure a mix of background and foreground processes that perform the tasks required to facilitate the application interaction with the 12c database
Operating system files a suite of no less than ten files that play individual roles as the database runs.
The next three sections address these players and provide a bird’s-eye view of what they do.
Shared memory is nothing more than a newfangled name for what was and is sometimes still referred to as RAM—random access memory. As the 12c database is started, a handful of entries in its system parameter file contribute to the size of memory allocated to the instance. Many adopters of the Oracle technology use the words “database” and “instance” synonymously. There is a fundamental difference between the two.
* A database is an assortment of files that store data plus a handful of worker files that facilitate application access.
* An instance is a segment of shared memory and support processes that provide the capability for applications to work with the data stored in the database. Once the instance is started, the following areas of shared memory play a role in database management activities:
* The system global area, or SGA, contains data and control information from a single database instance.
The program global area, or PGA, is part of the memory allocated to a 12c instance as it is started. Unlike the memory in the SGA, PGA memory is not shared. It contains data and control information specific to server processes, not the instance as a whole.
*The user global area, or UGA, is memory associated with each user session.
*Even though it is allocated from PGA memory, the UGA is discussed as one of the four main memory components.
*Software code areas are where SQL code is prepared for execution and sits in memory until used.
*It would be impossible to get into the details of each of these components; as you encounter the memory structures that  support a running Oracle instance, the terminology will not be brand new. Below Figure is a graphical representation of the  bullet points just discussed with minimal drill-down.
For more information visit Mindmajix

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Enabling ASP.NET Debugging - A Step by Step guide

Well Said, you have furnished the right information that will be useful to anyone at all time. Thanks for sharing your Ideas.

Mindmajix Openstack 

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Oracle RAC Interview Questions

Q1) What is cache fusion?
In a RAC environment, it is the combining of data blocks, which are shipped across the interconnect from remote database caches (SGA) to the local node, in order to fulfill the requirements for a transaction (DML, Query of Data Dictionary).
Q2) What is split brain?
When database nodes in a cluster are unable to communicate with each other, they may continue to process and modify the data blocks independently. If the
same block is modified by more than one instance, synchronization/locking of the data blocks does not take place and blocks may be overwritten by others in the cluster. This state is called split brain.
Q3) What is the difference between Crash recovery and Instance recovery?
When an instance crashes in a single node database on startup a crash recovery takes place. In a RAC enviornment the same recovery for an instance is performed by the surviving nodes called Instance recovery.
Q4) What is the interconnect used for?
It is a private network which is used to ship data blocks from one instance to another for cache fusion. The physical data blocks as well as data dictionary blocks are shared across this interconnect.
Q5) How do you determine what protocol is being used for Interconnect traffic?
One of the ways is to look at the database alert log for the time period when the database was started up.
Q6) What methods are available to keep the time synchronized on all nodes in the cluster?
Either the Network Time Protocol(NTP) can be configured or in 11gr2, Cluster Time Synchronization Service (CTSS) can be used.
Q7) What files components in RAC must reside on shared storage?
Spfiles, ControlFiles, Datafiles and Redolog files should be created on shared storage.
For more information visit Mindmajix

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Selenium Tutorial

This tutorial gives you an overview and talks about the fundamentals of Selenium.


What is Automation Testing?

>>Test automation has grown in popularity over the years because teams do not have the time or money to invest in large test teams to make sure that applications work as they are expected to. Developers also want to make sure that the code they have created works as they expect it to.
>>Developers use a multitude of different testing frameworks to test different aspects of the system. Selenium is one of the most well?known testing frameworks in the world that is in use. It is an open source project that allows testers and developers alike to develop functional tests to drive the browser. It can be used to record workflows so that developers can prevent future regressions of code. Selenium can work on any browser that supports JavaScript since Selenium has been built using JavaScript.
>>Software applications today are written as web?based applications to be run in an Internet browser. The effectiveness of testing these applications varies widely among companies and organizations. In an era of highly interactive and responsive software processes where many organizations are using some form of Agile methodology, test automation is frequently becoming a requirement for software projects. Test automation is often the answer. Test automation means using a software tool to run repeatable tests against the application to be tested. For regression testing this provides that responsiveness.

What is the use of Automation Testing?

There are many advantages to test automation.
Most are related to the repeatability of the tests and the speed at which the tests can be executed.
There are a number of commercial and open source tools available for assisting with the development of test automation.
Selenium is possibly the most widely?used open source solution.
Frequent regression testing
Rapid feedback to developers
Virtually unlimited iterations of test case execution
Support for Agile and extreme development methodologies
Disciplined documentation of test cases
Customized defect reporting
Finding defects missed by manual testing

What we need to Automate?

It is not always advantageous to automate test cases. There are times when manual testing may be more appropriate. For instance, if the application’s user interface will change considerably in the near future, then any automation might need to be rewritten anyway.

When Automation is not Recommended?

Sometimes there simply is not enough time to build test automation.
For the short term, manual testing may be more effective.
If an application has a very tight deadline, there is currently no test automation available, and it’s imperative that the testing get done within that time frame, then manual testing is the best solution. 


The Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is an open source record-and-playback tool for generating Selenium scripts, which is integrated with the Firefox web browser as an extension. It is a renovmed web-based UI test automation tool that extracts any kind of locator from the web page. The locators can be either attribute-based or structure-based, and include ID, name, link, XPath, CBS, and DOM. The IDE has the entire Selenium Core, which allows the users to record, playback, edit, and debug tests manually in a browser. The user actions in the web page can be recorded and exported in any of the most popular languages, such as Java, C++, Ruby, and Python.
Selenium Builder is an alternative open source tool for the Selenium IDE to record and playback web applications. It is an extension of the Firefox web browser, which is similar to the Selenium IDE, but, it has some unique features that the Selenium IDE doesn’t support. Selenium Builder is a standard tool from Sauce labs that runs tests on Sauce Cloud from the Selenium Bader interface itself.
For more information visit mindmajix