Thursday, 15 November 2018

Monitoring the node installation and Using Chef to Install OpenStack

Once you have created and enabled the policy, nodes will begin to install. This may or may not take a long time depending on the size of your system. Razor provides a basic set of monitoring commands so you can tell when nodes have finished installing.

Getting started

Log into the razor node and sudo to root.
vagrant ssh razor sudo su -

How to achieve it…

To monitor the install progress of a node, execute the following command:
watch razor active_model logview

How it works…

The razor active_model logview command will report on the activity of nodes as they progress through the various stages of an installation. You will know your first node has finished when you see “Broker Success”.

Using Chef to install OpenStack

At this stage, we have a node with Ubuntu 12.04 installed by RAZOR. Additionally, that node has the 11.4.4 installed. At this stage, we need to tell Chef that this node will be an “all in one”, for example, that it will run Keystone, Nova Compute, Horizon, Glance, and a number of other services.

Getting ready

To install OpenStack on to our node, log into the Chef Server as root:
vagrant ssh chef sudo su -

How to do it…

To tell Chef that our node is an all in one, execute the following command:
EDITOR=vim knife node edit
Change the following line:
"chef_environment": "cookbook",
Add these lines:
"run_list": [ "role[allinone]" ]
Then exit vim with ‘:wq’.
Next log into the node and execute: chef-client.

How it works…

Once logged into the Chef Server, we modified the definition of the node to place it into our OpenStack environment. Additionally, we assigned the node the “all in one” role, which contains all of the other roles and services necessary to build a self contained OpenStack environment. Finally, we execute CHEF-CLIENT, which pushes everything into motion.

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